Effects and side effects of tanning

Tanning refers to the process of exposing a person’s skin to artificial or natural UV radiation sources to darken the skin and make tanning. While many people believe that tanning provides healthy light, the fact is that tanning has many negative effects on skin and overall health.

Ultraviolet tanning

Ultraviolet rays are a known carcinogen that means causing skin cancer. In fact, people who have been exposed to ultraviolet rays from indoor tanning are 59 percent more likely to develop melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer, than those who have never been tan indoors. In addition, exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause non-melanoma skin cancers such as basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer.

Side effects of skin cancer

In addition to skin cancer, tanning can cause other skin damage. Ultraviolet rays age the skin faster, leading to wrinkles, fine wrinkles, old spots, and dry skin. It can also weaken the skin’s immune system, making it more sensitive to other skin conditions such as infections, rashes, and allergies.

Ultraviolet rays can also affect the eyes, resulting in cataracts and other eye conditions. People who use tanning beds also have an increased risk of developing eye melanoma, a rare form of eye cancer.

In addition, excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause the skin to burn, leading to pain, itching, redness, and peeling. In severe cases, sunburn can cause blisters and prolonged scars.

In conclusion, tanning is a dangerous practice that can have various negative effects on skin and overall health. People choose a safer way to avoid natural tanning and instead use tanning products or safe tanning shops. In addition, people should protect their skin from UV rays by wearing sunscreen, using sunscreen, and using sunscreen.

The tanning shop 런피플 creates safe and healthy skin without these side effects.
