Laser Hair Removal

For connected eyebrows

o Partial eyebrow shaping and plucking using a swift sharp pair of scissors or wire-guide comb.

o Plucking is successful for 20 hairs or more, but some folk have trouble plucking because they are new to tweezing, and for a month or more they have to repeat the process.

o Telogen effluvium – hair follicle failure to grow hair because of physical or psychological reasons.

o Laser hair removal – for large areas at the time of treatment, lasers destroy hair follicles only.

o Electrolysis – electrolysis involves inserting a supple probe into the hair follicle. It may be painful because the needle is entering the skin. Some clinics encourage waxing, but I don’t know how that looks. The laser doesn’t hurt, but I’d be careful what I said next.

For connected eyebrows:

o Plucking or waxing – the quantity and intensity of hair determine the success of this method. Hair needs to be plucked out regularly for most of the day. Waxing is quick and not expensive. It may be a painful treatment. Leave-in wax is cheap but expects a mess. Hair enters the follicle and comes out when the hair needs to be. Wax leaves the skin smooth for one to two weeks.

o Shaving – it needs to be done with great care because there is a great possibility of cuts to the skin. Hair should be growing in a single direction. If not, it will be a preventive measure. Don’t share or use someone else’s razor on the eyebrow area. It could cause cuts and worsen the situation.

o Use powder shampoo to cleanse – it removes dead cells and protects the skin. oga shampoos are good too, but they tend to weaken the hair roots and cuticles.

o Don’t use oily products – they tighten the pores that hold the hair. Instead, use creams and lotions to clean the skin.

o Always remove hair – whether, from the body or the face, it doesn’t matter.

o Dermatologists recommend the shaving technique for women, not only for hygienic purposes but also to reduce embarrassing situations like bumps, and ingrown hair, among others.

What about laser hair removal for the eyelashes?

Laser treatment can be carried out on the eyelashes, although it does not act equally for all people. A dermatologist may require injections to prepare the eyelashes. It is a very effective technique, especially on small areas like the eyelashes. One time, only one injection is all that is needed. It has no side effects, and there will be no need for repeat sessions.